Who we are?

Future Logistics was created by people who are frustrated with the high shipping rates and poor customer service currently being offered by many of the courier services in Jamaica.

  • Qucik and easy signup
  • Excellent Customer Support
  • Air and Sea shipping solution


The Services We Offer

Track Packages

You will be able to track the location and progress of your package. Once it reaches our secured facility in Florida, USA.


We offer deliveries of your package so that you will not have to pick up. You can request delivery in the check out page.

Email Notification

Future Logistics will alert you of any updates or important information about your package.

Freight Forwarding

Future Logistics provides both air and sea freight forwarding. You can send packages and items of any size.


Refer a friend to get a special discount when they ship with us. Just give them your mailbox number

Credit Card

We provide our customers with credit cards if you do not have one to order on your favourite websites in exchange for cash.